VCF to IMa Conversion Function

Create IMa input file from four-gamete filtered VCF files.

An IM analysis requires an IM-formatted input file that contains multiple loci, where each locus has sequence information for variant sites as determined by multiple individuals (which are grouped by population). To produce this file, this script takes either a VCF file with a BED file that indicates loci to be used or a VCF file per locus. A model file will be used to split the samples in the VCF(s) into populations.

For each locus, a header line is created that contains several pieces of information, including number of individuals per population at this locus, number of sites in sequences provided, mutation model, inheritance scalar, and mutation rate per year at locus (over locus, not per base pair). Population sizes and sequence ordering are handled internally, the inheritance scalar and mutation rate can be set via commandline.

Loci provided as input must pass the four-gamete filtering criteria. In addition, if filtering has not been previously done options are available to filter out indels (default), multiallelic sites, and CpGs (with reference genome). Sites with missing data can either be filtered by dropping individuals missing data from a locus from analysis at that locus, or by replacing the missing site with a reference allele.

Input Arguments

--vcf <input_filename>
Filename for input VCF if using BED file with locus information
--vcfs <vcf_filename_1>...*<vcf_filename_n>*
One or multiple VCF input filenames where each file contains sequences for a single locus. A file with lines corresponding to filenames can be provided with --vcfs @<vcf_filelist>
--model-file <model_filename>
Filename of model file.
--model <model name>
If model file contains multiple models, use this argument to specify name of population to use.
--reference-fasta <reference_filename>
Filename for reference FASTA file. File can be uncompressed or bg-zipped, but must be indexed with faidx. When option is specified, default options are to include sequence in output loci but not filter for CpGs (use --parse-cpg)
--bed <bed_filename>
Filename for BED file specifying loci if only one VCF is provided. Can be used with multiple VCFs if line count aligns, used for getting correct locus length.

Output Arguments

--out <out_filename>
Output filename.

Model Options

--mutrate <mutation rate>
Set mutation rate per base pair (default is 1e-9). This value is multiplied by locus length to get mutation rate per locus.
--inheritance-scalar <scalar>
Sets inheritance scalar for all loci. Default behavior is to set scalar to 1 for non-X/Y/MT chromosomes, .75 for 'X' and 'chrX', and .25 for 'y', 'chrY', 'MT', and 'chrMT'.

Filtering Options

Set all multiallelic sites to be reference.
--drop-missing-sites <individual_count>
Drops all sites where more than 'individual_count' individuals are missing data. Default is -1 (no dropping), and 0 will drop all sites missing data and replace them with the reference allele.
If set, if an individual is missing data at a locus, that individual will not be included at that locus and population counts for that locus will be adjusted.
Requires --reference-fasta. If set, will replace CpG sites with reference allele at site, setting them as invariant.

Other Options


If set, indicates input BED regions are formatted as one-indexed, closed intervals, as opposed to the BED default of zero-based, half-open intervals. For example, the first million bases on a chromosome would be:

Zero-based, half-open: 0,1000000 One-based, closed: 1,1000000
--bed-column-index <start_col,end_col,chrom_col>
Comma-separated list of zero-based indexes of start, end, and chromosome name columns in input BED file. Default value for traditionally structured BED is 1,2,0
If set, and --reference-fasta is provided, will not output invariant sites to IM file.