Usage and Examples

Command-line Usage and Examples

PPP functions may be called at the command-line as shown in this example: --vcf examples/files/merged_chr1_10000.vcf.gz --filter-only-biallelic --out-format bcf

Details on the usage and arguments of each function may be found within the relevant documentation. In addition, all files specified within these examples may be found within the examples/files directory of the PPP repository.

Module Usage and Examples

PPP functions may also be imported from the pgpipe module for use within a python script or a Jupyter Notebook as shown in this example:

import pgpipe.vcf_filter as vcf_filter = 'examples/files/merged_chr1_10000.vcf.gz', filter_only_biallelic = True, out_format = 'bcf')

In comparison to calling functions at the command-line, imported functions require:

  • The pgpipe module must be imported
  • Each function is called using .run(): or
  • The use of underscores within arguments rather than dashes: --out-format vs. out_format
  • Setting the value to True when arguments do not require a value: --filter-only-biallelic vs. filter_only_biallelic = True

Example Jupyter Notebooks

We have included two example notebooks within the examples/jupyter directory of the PPP repository.

Jupyter Notebooks may also be download using the following links: