
As it would be unlikely that the PPP would encompass all desired procedures/methods, we has included this section to aid in the development of additional functionality for the PPP.

Development Guidelines

In general:

  • Functions developed for the PPP should be modular – i.e. function independently – primarily to maintain a flexible platform, this is especially important when considering Galaxy integration.
  • Functions should be able to be imported from pgpipe, so that multiple functions may be used within a single python script or Jupyter notebook.
  • Functions should support the use of Model files for automatic assignment of relevant meta-data. Note: details on the model file class may be found below
  • Functions that use third-party software should include the relevant reference(s) within log files.

Using PPP Classes

VCF Class

italic BOLD outside link: Google. internal link: examples

The VcfReader() class is responsible for integrating VCF files into the PPP. It can parse unzipped and bgzipped VCFs (as well as BCFs), allowing for the SNP records of those files to be accessed in multiple ways, such as sequentially or from a particular region (as implemented in the GeneRegion class). It can also subsample requested individuals from a VCF using the ModelFile functionality or by providing a list of individuals to sample. The class can be initialized as follows:

There are two primary operating modes for this class: operating on bgzipped or unzipped data. For unzipped data, there is a requirement that records are fetched from the file sequentially, so selecting records using gene regions requires those regions be sorted (as they are by default). For a bgzipped file, a tabix index must be created in order to access any records.

To perform an action on different regions specified in a BED file:

To subsample the VCF for given individuals:

ModelFile Class

Model files may be read using the function read_model_file() found within the module. The reader accepts the filename (as a string) of the model file and returns a ModelFile class object as shown below:

# Read in the model file
model_file = pgpipe.model.read_model_file(“path/to/my_model_file.model”)

A ModelFile class object primarily behaves as a dictionary of Model class objects; the keys of the dictionary are the model names (as strings) of the Model class objects whereas the values are the objects themselves. Therefore, a Model named 2Pop may assigned as shown below:

# Assign the 2Pop model, from model file
model_2pop =  model_file[‘2Pop’]

A ModelFile class object also has two additional attributes:

  • ind_file: If created, the filename of a file containing all the unique individuals found within all models stored within the ModelFile.
  • exclude_file: If created, the filename of a file containing all the unique individuals found within all models stored within the ModelFile that do not match a given list of individuals.

These attributes may be populated and their files created using the following functions: create_ind_file() and create_exclude_ind_file(). The inverse operating can also be completed using delete_ind_file() and delete_exclude_ind_file().

Model Class

The Model class is used to store model meta-data. The primary attributes of the class are:

  • name: The name (as a string) of the model
  • tree: The newick tree of the model
  • pop_list: A list of the population names within the model
  • ind_dict: A dictionary used to store the individuals within each population; the keys of the dictionary are the population names whereas the values are lists of individuals.
  • nind: A dictionary used to store the number of individuals within each population; the keys of the dictionary are the population names whereas the values are individual counts.
  • npop: The number of populations within the model
  • inds: A list of all individuals in the model

A Model may be created with all primary attributes populated as shown below:

# Create the model
model = pgpipe.model.Model("2Pop")

# Assign the model tree

# Assign the populations and their individuals
model.assign_pop("A", ["Ind1", "Ind2", "Ind3"])
model.assign_pop("B", ["Ind4", "Ind5", "Ind6"])

A Model class object also has two additional attributes:

  • pop_files: If created, a list of population filenames. Each population file consist of the individuals found within the population.
  • ind_file: If created, the filename of a file containing all the unique individuals found within the model.

These attributes may be populated and their files created using the following functions: create_ind_file() and create_pop_files(). The inverse operating can also be completed using delete_ind_file() and delete_pop_files().

Lastly, a Model class object masy be assigned to a ModelFile class object as shown below:

# Create ModelFile object
models = pgpipe.model.ModelFile()

# Save the model
models[str(] = model